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Environmental Services

Spills & Tank Cleaning

Garbage Removal
(Drum service, smaller quantities)

  • 35 gallon drums provided for smaller quantities of dry garbage on a meter basis
Sludge Removal (via truck or barge)
  • Removal and disposal of sludge or oily water

Dunnage Removal               

  • Disposal of U.S.D.A. regulated and unregulated dunnage
  • Certificate of Disposal provided to vessel signed and stamped by U.S.D.A. clearing the vessel to depart the port
  • Dumpster Cans 20, 30, 40 - Closed or Open top cans

    Services through out the United States and available for all major 
    passenger ships.

Management and Logistics for Refused Cargoes

  • For cargoes refused or rejected by any parties involved directly with
    the cargo (i.e. shipper, consignee, receiver, vessel charters, etc.) or
    by U.S. Government agencies, namely U.S.Customs or U.S. Department
    of Agriculture


Philadelphia PA,  Wilmington DE,  New York NY,  Baltimore MD,  Norfolk VA
Major Ports of Italy


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